Three Caves

by Eric Marrast

View of the estate from the great house

Off we go!

We started our day with breakfast at Geddes Estate, where we were introduced to delicious star apple. Afterwards we discussed our plans for the remainder of the week. Today, February 19th we decided to go on a two hour hike through the property to see the caves in the area in order to gain information for the feasibility project of the iLEAD course. On Wednesday, February 20th we will be talking to locals within the agricultural community in order to ascertain information for the social marketing/organic farming project of the iLEAD course. 

Our tour guides were amazing

While the hike was physically strenuous, it was totally worth it. We were able to see two caves to the west and one cave to the east of Geddes Estate. The trail to the caves to the west was more challenging than the trail to the other cave. The western caves were difficult (suitable for someone in excellent hiking condition), the trails are generally in good condition, with significant increases in mileage and in elevation.  The eastern cave was moderate in difficulty (suitable for someone in good hiking condition), the trails are generally in good condition with increased mileage and moderate elevation gain.

I am really happy that I was able to see all three caves in one day. It was so WORTH IT!

Eric Marrast is a 4th year Business student at Nipissing University. Eric is working with Team Organic Farming on the expedition.


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